Flight Monitoring & Messaging Overview

Welcome to the Flight Messaging section. Here you will find the documentation and resources needed to implement flight alert solutions using the Flight Segment Messaging APIs and the Itinerary Monitoring & Messaging APIs. These two sets of services are closely related, but significantly different both in terms of what's required to implement a solution and the capabilities provided. This overview document should help you gain a good high-level understanding of both solutions.

* Flight Segment Event Messaging System (EMS)
o Message Events
o Message Formats
o Implementation Options
* Itinerary Monitoring and Messaging
o Message Events
o Message Formats
o Profile System
o FlightStats Attendant
o Implementation Options

Flight Segment Event Messaging System (EMS)

Segment-based messaging is the simpler of our messaging services to implement and provides a very powerful messaging solution for many applications. It is recommended for flight alert solutions based on single flight segments - ideal for mobile solutions, ground transportation companies, websites and any other solution where a travelers itinerary is not available.

Refer to the following White Paper for a good overview of how the system works, implementation options and benefits accrued.

Real-time Flight Status Monitoring and Notification White Paper (PDF)
Enhanced Service at Reduced Cost

Also, you can find a reference implementation of a flight alert system built using these services on the FlightStats.com website. This is a fairly simple implementation that doesn't take advantage of all capabilities, but it does provide an example of a working system.

Setup a Flight Alert on FlightStats.com

Message Events

The FlightStats EMS system has the ability to trigger messages based on a variety of flight events and to have scheduled events trigger messages. The events offered includes status changes (departed, landed, cancelled, and diverted), time changes, delays, and gate changes. Typically, only a subset of events are used in an implementation since triggering on all events may overwhelm a user with too much information.

Message Formats

Triggered messages can be delivered in the following formats:

* HTML Email (can be customized and branded)
* Long Text Email (can be customized and branded)
* Short Text Email
* XML over HTTP

Implementation Options

The Flight Segment EMS system offers at least three approaches to implementing such a system. Each of these approaches has tradeoffs in terms of flexibility and integration with other systems versus implementation costs and schedule.

* QuickStart - The FlightStats QuickStart option provides the fastest time-to-market and lowest implementation cost. Branded notification email messages, created from a simple template, are delivered based on rules and recipients defined through a simple web user interface. Email messages can be generated in multiple languages and custom email template design services are available. Short text emails or SMS formats are also supported in QuickStart.
* Third-Party Message Delivery - FlightStats customers can also choose to integrate the FlightStats notification system with a third-party message delivery platform. These third-party platforms offer message delivery to a wide variety of devices, including enhanced email capabilities, voice messaging, and wireless devices. They also typically include sophisticated logic that allows messages to be delivered to multiple devices or recipients based on user-defined rules.
* XML Integration - The FlightStats product has native XML input and output interfaces to set rules and generate messaging events. In situations where a customer needs tight integration with existing systems or where an internal messaging system already exists, the FlightStats XML interface provides ultimate flexibility for integration. The customer system creates an XML message to setup a rule for message delivery. When an event occurs that matches a pre-defined rule, FlightStats generates another XML message that describes the event. FlightStats can also be configured to send an event email in addition to the XML output.

Learn more about Flight Segment Messaging.

Itinerary Monitoring and Messaging

Our itinerary-based messaging and monitoring solution is both more powerful and more complex in terms of implementation. This is a second-generation solution that takes Flight Messaging to another level. The biggest advance in FlightStats technology over first generation notification systems is the ability to monitor a complete itinerary instead of just individual segments. By monitoring a complete itinerary, the FlightStats system offers relevant high-value information throughout the lifecycle of the travel experience.

Refer to the following White Paper for a more in-depth discussion of how the system works, implementation options and benefits accrued.

Intelligent Itinerary Monitoring White Paper (PDF)
The Next Step in Travel Service

The powerful advantages of Itinerary Monitoring are nowhere more apparent than at the critical point of flight connections in a multi-segment itinerary. First generation status notification systems simply notify the traveler if a flight segment is delayed or cancelled. However, these systems have no way to know whether the delayed segment impacts a connection that will affect the remainder of the itinerary.

With Itinerary Monitoring, the FlightStats system can send a message to the traveler, indicating not only that a flight segment is late, but also that the delay will (or may) cause a missed connection. The message might include a list of alternate flights to replace the missed segment with phone numbers for the airline or travel agency to handle re-accommodation or re-booking.

Message Events

Itinerary Monitoring allows for three categories of events to be monitored and messaged on. The first, flight segment events, allows for monitoring on all segments in the itinerary. The events offered includes status changes (departed, landed, cancelled, and diverted), time changes, delays, and gate changes.

The second category includes events that watch connections between flight segments. FlightStats offers three types of connection monitoring. The first provides a message upon landing of the inbound segment. The second watches for estimated connection problems (i.e. it considers estimated times), and the third operates only on actual connection times.

The third category of monitoring applies to Itinerary Legs – collections of flights that make up a portion of the overall travel trip. An example of an itinerary leg would be the outbound or return portion of the trip. It watches primarily the first and last segment of the itinerary leg.

Typically, only a subset of events are used in an implementation since triggering on all events may overwhelm a user with too much information.

Message Formats

Triggered messages can be delivered in the following formats:

* HTML Email (can be customized and branded)
* Long Text Email (can be customized and branded)
* Short Text Email
* XML over HTTP

Profile System

Many agencies and airlines already have some type of traveler profile system, so the FlightStats system can be configured to use the customer's profile system for message delivery options. However, if the customer does not have a profile system or the system does not accommodate messaging preferences, the FlightStats system offers a traveler profile system for messaging options. Information can even be combined between partial profiles stored in the customer system and additional message delivery profile data stored in the FlightStats profile system.

FlightStats Attendant

The FlightStats Attendant product offers a powerful tool for managing multiple itineraries and offering proactive service to travelers. Travel agents, corporate travel managers, risk management or security advisors, or anyone else responsible for monitoring a collection of travelers can use Attendant to quickly assess the status of an entire group of itineraries in a single screen and receive exception messages when a problem with one or more passenger’s itineraries arise.

Learn more about Attendant.

Implementation Options

To implement a solution based on our Itinerary Monitoring and Messaging services, the system must have access to the traveler’s itinerary. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways for FlightStats to capture itineraries for monitoring:

* GDS Queue Monitoring – FlightStats can obtain itineraries and schedule changes by accessing a GDS queue on behalf of the travel agency.
* Cornerstone iBank Adapter – FlightStats offers an iBank adapter for companies that use the iBank reporting system. There is no additional fee for iBank customers to push data to FlightStats.
* Web Service Interface – The FlightStats system also offers a Web Services interface that allows agencies to securely transmit itineraries to the FlightStats system for monitoring. SOAP, XML over HTTP and REST protocols are supported.
* Custom Adapters - Please contact FlightStats if you are a software developer who would like to provide a custom adapter.
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