JAL To Cut 5 Percent Of Jobs - Report

Japan Airlines plans to reduce its work force by 2,700, or about 5 percent, by offering early retirement, the Nikkei business daily reported.

JAL, which employs about 51,800 group-wide, aims to cut 1,700 employees at its core unit, Japan Airlines International, and the rest at other group firms, the paper said.

The carrier, which did not disclose how much severance pay early retirees are to receive, will start with 400 flight crew and ground staff managers, the Nikkei said.

According to the paper, retirements will take effect on April 30 and JAL is expected to book the associated costs as an extraordinary loss for next fiscal year.

Earlier in January, JAL applied for protection from creditors with more than USD$25 billion in debts, making it Japan's biggest-ever bankruptcy by a non-financial firm, and vowed to cut 30 percent of its work force and drop money-losing routes.

Selling off subsidiaries is supposed to eliminate at least 10,000 jobs, but that process could prove difficult, making it necessary to expand early retirement offerings, the business daily said.

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